Monday, January 20, 2025

Live Review: Jenny Colquitt Bought Her ‘Staring At The Moon’ Tour to Birmingham

Jenny Colquitt stopped off at Birmingham, Hare and Hounds for the first time, showcasing her new album ‘Staring At The Moon’. She bought an intimate evening full of vulnerability and emotion.

First To Take The Stage

Opening the night was Craig Gould wasting no time cracking a joke to warm up the crowd. Craig was a fitting choice, a blend of indie pop and contemporary folk. The set included calming acoustic harmonies and complimenting backing vocals. Comedy certainly didn’t go amiss – Craig making self-proclaimed dad jokes and his talkative mood made for an interactive start to the night. He didn’t leave the stage before showing clear support and appreciation for Jenny, a nice touch. In between sets, Jenny made an effort to talk to fans creating a light-hearted atmosphere in the room ready for her set.

An Intense First Half

Jenny Colquitt started her set off with a few of her earlier songs, ‘Soldier of the Modern Day’ being a standout. It included an effective build with vocals that filled the room impressively, the first of many times Jenny showcased her impressive range and ability to hold notes. Alongside the full band here, it really brought the song to life live. A vulnerable song ‘Open Pages’ talking about mental health added lower-toned instruments and higher vocals. A guitar-driven instrumental made the track more emotional and moving before the cheerier addition of a whistle closed the song.

Not stopping with the emotive tracks ‘Dear Me’ was the first song played from her newest album ‘Staring At The Moon’. Welcomed by an audience cheer, Jenny switched from an acoustic guitar to keys, both of which were at the forefront of Jenny’s set. Stripping It Back The band left the stage giving Jenny the chance to make it even more acoustic. Being alone on stage highlighted how Jenny’s vocals can still easily take over a room. ‘I Won’t Let You Drive’ had a tranquil piano melody and ventured for even higher notes. When you think her vocals can’t get better, she showcases a new side, ‘Bravest Of The Brave’ another emotional track had higher pitches that continued to take over the room.

The Band Return

Crowd interaction was common, with the encouragement to have a boogie as the set picked up its pace with rockier elements driven by drums. She even included a cover of The Cranberries ‘Zombie’ which suited her vocals, with a fan remarking he enjoyed her version more than the original. Another standout moment came towards the end of the set with the song ‘Falling Angels’. She encouraged the audience to participate with the lyrics which created a choir-like effect in the room. Jenny Colquitt put on an emotional show, packed with her charisma, anecdotes and crowd interaction all alongside delicate vocals and intricate piano. Her ‘Staring At The Moon’ tour brought the album to life sonically and captured the audience’s attention making for an interactive and enjoyable night.